Oh my goodness, this soap exceeded my expectations and I am so pleased with it! I was looking for the last soap to complete my Halloween/Fall season and this is the way I wanted to finish up. In my mind I pictured a jack O'Lantern sitting in the middle of the top of the soap with a Halloweeny color scheme and here we are! When the soap was first taken out of the soap loaf and cut, I built up the middle of each soap and placed a premade soap dough Jack O'Lantern piece with careful mounding up the pumpkin on all sides while the soap was still soft.
Then we have the swirls. I am still learning about swirls and these swirls are so awesome and so fit in with the color scheme and the Jack O'Lanterns. I am so excited and I hope you are too!
This soap has been cut and will be released for sale on September 25, 2024. Please send me an email (thesunflowercupboard@gmail.com) if you would like to be on the order list for this soap),
The ingredients for this soap are as follows: Olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, black and orange mica colorants, and scented with Witches Brew fragrance oil and lots of love!
Estimated weight of each soap bar is 4.4 ounces.